Last week Tracy got to dust of her angel wings to take part in the Graeme Dingle Foundation 'Kiwican Jam' celebrating five years of Kiwican in Marlborough. Tracy, who was Chair of the Marlborough Trust at the time, was the first person ever to 'go over the side' in the inaugural 'Drop Your Boss' fundraiser.
See Marlborough Express, 13 May 2013

'Drop Your Boss' is now running across New Zealand and has raised just over half a million dollars for the Graeme Dingle Foundation.
The Kiwican programme is now reaching 50% of all primary school children in Marlborough, that is double what any other region has achieved.

The line up of incredible people in this photo from the Kiwican Jam have all done far more ambitious fundraising for the foundation including cycling the length of NZ in under 5 days and kayaking across Cook Strait!

Tracy is now a mentor for the Foundation's Career Navigator programme. Dayvinleigh proudly supports Tracy to invest her time in supporting the Graeme Dingle Foundation.